The global structure of FSA at the moment includes many accreditation councils, national accreditation bodies and also cert. Bodies. But what does it look like now? This article will focus on this. We are not saying that the scheme will be the same forever or that it is the only ideal scheme, the world is changing and everyone follows it, therefore we discuss what is now, we can analyze and speculate on how it will look like in a few years, but that is a topic for another article.
The global structure of the FSA is a multitude of groups and sub-groups that are responsible for the safety of the feed, food and environmental industries of the world.
At the top of the pyramid is the International Accreditation Forum (IAF)
The International Accreditation Forum (IAF) is the global association of accreditation bodies and other bodies interested in conformity assessment in the fields of management systems, products, processes, services, personnel, validation and verification and other similar conformity assessment programs.
The IAF in turn includes regional accreditation councils such as:
- AFRAC (African Accreditation Cooperation)
- APAC (Asia Pacific Accreditation Corporation)
- ARAC (Accreditation Cooperation ARAB)
- EA (European Cooperation for Accreditation)
- IAAC (Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation)
- SADCA (Southern African Development Community Accreditation Cooperation)
All of these councils share the same goals of maintaining regional multilateral recognition agreements that recognize the equivalence of their members' accreditations.
Currently, each of these accreditation councils has adopted a different certification scheme Feed safety control in the whole feed chain
This structure allows you to instantly, accurately and most importantly, in a timely manner track and respond to safety risks around the world. We at FSA ID, recognize this structure of the global safety order and are committed to enabling everyone in the feed chain to become better and better able to provide quality assurance to their customers.